New articles regarding Power of Attorney I am pretty sure that many of our relatives have executed a durable power of attorney to handle his/her financial matters in case of the maker become incapacitated. With current trend, most of the big bank such as Wells Fargo or Ameriprise won't honor the durable power of attorney executed by your relative. They want the account holders to use their own form. Many people being shock by this practice since the date they know this become too late for their relative since he/she may has developed dementia or some kind of mental incapacitated. Read the full article here:
Guardianship Case Study: An Intervention for the Best Interests of the Child
These days, it’s not unusual for grandparents to end up raising their grandchildren. They take on this responsibility for a number of reasons—but in many cases it means that their sons or daughters are, at least temporarily, unable to care for their own children. An intervention: Daughter unable to provide a stable home for child Several months ago one such couple, Joe and Sarah, came in to our office seeking more information about getting a Guardianship for their ten-year old granddaughter, Zoe. As their only grandchild, they’d always been very close to Zoe, and now they were concerned about her wellbeing. Zoe lived with her single mother, Sandra, our clients’ daughter, who had been in and out of rehab facilities but was never able to remain clean and sober or hold a job for an extended period of time. Joe and Sarah were concerned about the lack of stability and consistency for Zoe; they were also concerned about the constant exposure to drugs, alcohol and Sandra’s friends....
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